Also, to help us keep each other straight (cause signing Amy at the bottom of your email or post or whatever is just not going to cut it here! hehe), when you reply to anything Team Amy related, please do it with your name & then your shop name. Like this, Amy - AlwaysAmy or something similar. This will make it a smidgen easier to keep track of who is who. Maybe. Well, we've got to try something! haha
Anyhoo, here is the first step of the Street Team & I am hoping to get input from most of you so we can take this step together.
& I am thinking of changing the blogs url to Right now it is on my AlwaysAmy blog account & I am afraid of things getting confused. So be ready for that, just in case.
Amy - AlwaysAmy
P.S. The blog isn't always going to look this bad! haha This is just so we can all get some quick info & get things going. I will have it looking beautiful & Amy-tastic by the end of the weekend, I promise!